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Spring Picnic

Dallas White Park 5900 Greenwood Ave, North Port, FL, United States

Hosted by the Over the Hump Wednesday Night Big Book Meeting - Hot dogs and hamburgers, bring a dish to share if you want to - join us for some fellowship in the park!


Call for Stories – Do You Think You Are Different?

Call For Stories The trustees Literature Committee is seeking stories from AA members with diverse backgrounds. This is in response to the 2022 Conference Advisory Action that the trustees’ Literature Committee revise the pamphlet Do You Think You're Different? to update the stories to represent greater diversity. Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024 Click on … Continue reading Call for Stories – Do You Think You Are Different?

23rd Spring Into Sobriety (SIS) Women’s Conference

Hotel Venezia, Venice, FL 425 US 41 Bypass North, Venice, Florida, United States

$40 registration is required to attend, Friday night, Saturday lunch and Saturday night Banquet are extra. The conference has grown, and the Hotel Venezia may not be able to accommodate everyone - check out the Fairfield Inn and the Townplace Suites nearby. Download or print flyer.


Can Do Speaker Mtg – Anniversary Dinner

Trinity Presbitarian Church 4365 State Road 776, Venice, Florida

Come celebrate with the Can Do speaker meeting!Doors open at 5:00pm, dinner is at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.


Memorial Day Picnic

Easy Does It Club 23312 Harper Avenue, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Food, Fun and Fellowship! Sponsored by the groups that meet at the Easy Does It club. We furnish hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks and ask you to bring a dish to share.


Alanon/AA Speaker Meeting

South Venice Baptist Church 3167 Englewood Rd, Venice, Florida, United States

The Light In Recovery Group Thursdays 5:30 PM is hosting our quarterly Al-Anon/AA Speaker Meeting  May 30th, 2024 5:00 Food & Fellowship 5:30-6:30 Speakers 50/50 Raffle  Open meeting all are welcome!  Please bring an appetizer, dessert, or beverage for the food table if you can...  We can always use extra hands for clean up!
