Tuesday Night Step Group – 34th Anniversary
Lutheran Church of the Cross 2300 Luther Rd, Punta Gorda, FL, United StatesFood and Fellowship at 7:00 PMMeeting at 7:30 PMTwo Speakers will share their “Experience, strength and hope” Pizza, salad, water, coffee and cake will be served
67th Florida State Convention
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville 225 East Coastline Dr., Jacksonville, FLHeld at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville - RiverfrontAug 1-4, 2024 Flyer/registration 67ava Convención Estatal de la Florida Foletto/registracion
Steering Committee Meeting (hybrid)
Intergroup Office of District 5 - SWFL 13325 Tamiami Trail, Unit A, North Port, FL, United States +1 moreThe Intergroup Steering Committee meets every 1st Thursday of the month - in person and online. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86123447161?pwd=RUJqazlRS0c1MjA1dW1pZkI5UEVsZz09 Meeting ID: 861 2344 7161 Passcode: 123456
Events Committee Meeting (hybrid)
Intergroup Office of District 5 - SWFL 13325 Tamiami Trail, Unit A, North Port, FL, United StatesIntergroup Events Committee hybrid meeting (in person at Intergroup office and online via Zoom) - every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm Join meeting onlinehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85833512842pwd=MEdYQ2tYKzg2dU9hWkg0cWV1RkM4QT09 Zoom ID: 858 3351 2842Passcode: 417873 We are always looking for volunteers!
IGR Meeting (hybrid)
Intergroup Office of District 5 - SWFL 13325 Tamiami Trail, Unit A, North Port, FL, United States +1 moreIntergroup Representative (IGR) Meeting, in person and online - NOTICE MEETING TIME CHANGE Meeting ID: 894 7593 7488Passcode: 246810 Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89475937488?pwd=SGhSNHl6L1N3aExFb0h4UTFtdnNrUT09
Woman to Woman Conference
Hilton Charlotte University Place 8629 JM Keynes Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina28th Annual Southeast Woman to Woman Conference at the Hilton Charlotte University Place, in Charlotte, NC. Theme: Our Common Bond - view registration form.
District 5 Business Meeting
St. Nathaniel's Episcopal Church 4200 S. Biscayne Dr., North Port, FL, United StatesGSR Sharing/District 5 Business Meeting rescheduled to August 27th PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!! Due to a scheduling conflict, this month's GSR sharing session and District 5 business meeting will take place on August 27th instead of August 20th. As usual, it will be held at St Nathaniel's Episcopal Church in North Port. The GSR sharing begins at 6:00 p.m. and the … Continue reading District 5 Business Meeting