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District 5 – Corrections Comm. Mtg.

Intergroup Office of District 5 - SWFL 13325 Tamiami Trail, Unit A, North Port, FL, United States

Meets in person and online every 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM   In person: Intergroup Office at 13325 Tamiami Trail, North Port, FL 34287 Zoom meeting information: Meeting ID: 987 6511 2013 Passcode: 5qwPET

Archives Committee Mtg.

Extra Space Storage 17960 Paulson Dr., Port Charlotte, FL, United States

District 5 - Archives Committee meeting Meets every 1st Thursday of the month. Please email for more details.

District 5 – Treatment Facilities Comm. Mtg.

Intergroup Office of District 5 - SWFL 13325 Tamiami Trail, Unit A, North Port, FL, United States

Monthly meeting every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Email for more information.

Accessibility Comm. Mtg.

Online Meeting via Zoom

District 5 - Accessibility Committee Meeting A recurring  monthly online meeting every 4th Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 pm Zoom ID 867 4592 6436 Password  Access

District 5 Business Mtg.

St. Nathaniel's Episcopal Church 4200 S. Biscayne Dr., North Port, FL, United States

GSR Sharing Session begins at 6:00 pm.  District 5 Business meeting begins at 7:00 pm. If something else is scheduled at 7:00 pm, it will be in the Events Calendar separately.

PI/CPC Commitee Mtg.

Shannon Schaub Library 4675 Career Lane, North Port, FL

Monthly meeting of the Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community committee. Please send an email to for more information.