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Can Do Speaker Mtg – Anniversary Dinner

Trinity Presbitarian Church 4365 State Road 776, Venice, Florida

Come celebrate with the Can Do speaker meeting!Doors open at 5:00pm, dinner is at 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.


Memorial Day Picnic

Easy Does It Club 23312 Harper Avenue, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Food, Fun and Fellowship! Sponsored by the groups that meet at the Easy Does It club. We furnish hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks and ask you to bring a dish to share.


Alanon/AA Speaker Meeting

South Venice Baptist Church 3167 Englewood Rd, Venice, Florida, United States

The Light In Recovery Group Thursdays 5:30 PM is hosting our quarterly Al-Anon/AA Speaker Meeting  May 30th, 2024 5:00 Food & Fellowship 5:30-6:30 Speakers 50/50 Raffle  Open meeting all are welcome!  Please bring an appetizer, dessert, or beverage for the food table if you can...  We can always use extra hands for clean up!


Area 15 Delegate Report “Back”

St. Nathaniel's Episcopal Church 4200 S. Biscayne Dr., North Port, FL, United States

Our Area 15 Delegate is reporting back after the General Service Conference. Open to all AA members. Light lunch at noon. Bring a dessert to share!

Another Chance Anniversary

Port Charlotte Beach Park Complex 4500 Harbor Blvd, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Group is providing hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, condiments, water, and paper products.


4th of July Extravaganza

Easy Does It Club 23312 Harper Avenue, Port Charlotte, FL, United States

Easy Does It Club groups are sponsoring a 4th of July Extravaganza from 1-3 pm. Burgers, hotdogs and drinks provided - bring a dish to share.
